Syrian Army Artillery Shell Terrorists’ Positions near Aleppo

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Syrian army’s artillery unit has shelled the positions of terrorist groups to the south and west of Aleppo on Tuesday.

Syrian forces shelled Aleppo's suburbs Kfar-Hamra and Halsa and the Rashidin-5 neighborhood controlled by militants, Tass reported citing a Syrian News Channel.

Militants earlier opened fire from multiple rocket launcher systems at the Masaqin al-Sabil neighborhood in Aleppo, injuring several civilians.

In the neighboring province of Hama, the Syrian forces ousted militants from the al-Nusra Front terrorist group from the settlements of Al-Janabira and Mazraat al-Radi on Monday.

The Syrian forces are currently launching an offensive at the Tell Osman heights. Over the last 24 hours, at least 15 terrorists were killed in clashes.