South African Police on High Alert after Burning of Election Material

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The South African police on Wednesday said they are on high alert to arrest anyone who will disrupt elections in the country following some incidents of disruption of voting.

This follows the arrest of 21 people in North West province for burning two cars with elections material which was supposed to be used for voting. The crowd stopped the Independent Electoral Commission officials who were driving two cars and set alight the cars with voting material inside.

"Barricading of roads, restricting or preventing of access to voting stations, inciting violence, damaging infrastructure, intimidation and assault among other acts, constitute conduct prohibited by law and those who commit any of these acts will be arrested and face legal consequences," said North West Provincial Commissioner Baile Motswenyane, Xinhua news agency reported.

The police said they have deployed officers to ensure that those going to vote do so in a peaceful environment.

There were also incidents of disruptions in Eastern Cape. The Eastern Cape Provincial Commissioner Liziwe Ntshinga said they are on high alert to arrest those breaking the law.

"We shall not hold back in arresting those who instigate violence, acts of criminality and cause disruption in the election processes. No one has the right to prevent other people from exercising their constitutional right to cast their votes," He said.