Palestine’s Islamic Jihad Urges Muslims to Counter US-Israeli Plots

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement condemned an upcoming US-Israeli conference in Bahrain as a plot to pave the way for implementation of “the deal of century”, calling on Muslims to stand up against such plots aimed at consigning the Palestinian issue to oblivion.

In remarks released on Tuesday, Khaled al-Batsh described next month’s economic conference as a plot to normalize relations between Arab countries and the Zionist regime of Israel and pave the way for implementation of “the deal of century”.   

He said Bahrain's normalization of relations with the Israelis is tantamount to recognition of the decisions made by US President Donald Trump and other White House officials.

The Islamic Jihad leader further urged Arab and Islamic nations, including the Bahraini people, to stand up against plots to consign the Palestinian issue into oblivion and Judaize Palestinian sanctities.

Batsh further said that Palestine and its holy places will not be replaced by money because Palestine is the issue of the entire Arab and Islamic Ummah (community) and cannot be compromised.

The White House announced on Sunday that Bahrain will host a workshop on June 25-26 in the capital Manama, where “government, civil society and business leaders will share ideas, discuss strategies and galvanize support for potential investments and initiatives that could be made possible by a peace agreement.”

The announcement came as a surprise to Palestinian officials in Ramallah. They said that they were not consulted about the conference and stressed that the only way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was through a political, and not economic, solution.

The officials said, however, that a final decision on Palestinian participation in the conference would be made by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after consulting with senior PLO and Fatah leaders, according to local reports.