Iran Dismisses Allegation of Role in Fujairah Tanker Attacks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry strongly rejected the allegations raised by the US national security adviser that Tehran has been involved in recent attacks on oil tankers at the Emirati port of Fujairah.

In a statement on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi dismissed the accusation leveled by John Bolton as “ridiculous” and said it is part of the destructive policies of the anti-Iranian B-Team. 

“Making such a ridiculous allegation in a meeting between two members of that team who have a long history of (adopting) anti-Iranian stances is not surprising,” Mousavi said, referring to Bolton’s comments during a visit to Abu Dhabi.

“Nonetheless, Mr. Bolton and the other warmongering and bellicose ones must know that the Islamic Republic of Iran’s strategic patience, heightened vigilance, and full defense preparedness, which derive from the willpower of a great and resistant nation, will prevent materialization of their ominous plans for creating chaos in the region,” the spokesman added.

Speaking to reporters in Abu Dhabi on Wednesday, Bolton alleged that the attacks on four tankers off the United Arab Emirates coast of Fujairah earlier this month were most likely the work of Iran.

“I think it is clear these (tanker attacks) were naval mines almost certainly from Iran,” Bolton said.

The term B-Team, a phrase first used by Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, refers to a group of four anti-Iran hawks, including John Bolton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud, and crown prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.