Egypt Says Its Forces Kill 4 Militants in Sinai

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Egypt said its security forces have killed 4 militants in the restive northern part of Sinai Peninsula.

The Interior Ministry said the four were killed in a shootout with police south of the Mediterranean city of el-Arish on Saturday. It said the police seized automatic rifles, bombs and explosive belts, AP reported.

The ministry said the four were implicated in an attack earlier this week on a police checkpoint in northern Sinai that authorities say left eight policemen dead. On Thursday, authorities said security forces killed 14 suspected militants linked to the attack, which was claimed by the Daesh (also known as ISIL or ISIS) group.

The long-running insurgency in northern Sinai escalated after the military overthrow of an elected but divisive president in 2013, and is now led by a Daesh affiliate.