Deal of Century Backfired after Quds Day, Iranian Speaker Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The speaker of Iran’s Parliament lauded the country’s people for their massive presence in the pro-Palestine demonstrations on the International Quds Day that turned the so-called deal of the century into a declaration of Israel’s lack of identity.

Addressing an open session of the Parliament on Sunday, Ali Larijani praised the Iranian nation for their “strong and smart” presence in the Quds Day rallies and standing against the “evil sedition” that the US and the Zionist regime have masterminded to decide the fate of the Palestinian nation.

He said the widespread voices of support for Palestinians in the Quds Day demonstrations turned the “fake great deal of century” into an evidence that the Zionist regime of Israel has no identity.

Larijani reiterated Iran’s proposed solution to the conflicts in Palestine, stressing the need for a referendum including all Muslim, Christian and Jewish Palestinians, and the return of displaced Palestinian people to their homeland.  

The Iranian speaker also emphasized that a Palestinian government formed by majority vote should make a decision about the Jewish people settling in the Palestinian territories.

In the Eid al-Fitr sermons in Tehran on Wednesday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the US-Israeli plot against Palestinians, known as the deal of the century, is doomed to failure and will never materialize.

Decrying the US conspiracy for the deal of century, the Leader said the betrayal of the cause of Palestine by some Muslim countries, including Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, has provided the grounds for “the evil plot”.

The deal of the century will never materialize, Ayatollah Khamenei said, expressing gratitude to some Arab countries and the Palestinian groups that have voiced their opposition to the deal.

The deal of century ploy, fronted by US President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, has already been rejected by the Palestinians, who say the White House's policies have been blatantly biased in favor of Israel.

Palestinians have cut off all contacts with the Trump administration since the president broke with decades of bipartisan policy to recognize al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the capital of Israel in December 2017.

In the meantime, Bahrain is going to host a conference this month to encourage what it calls investment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as part of Trump’s plan for Palestine.

The so-called “Peace to Prosperity” economic workshop, to be held on June 25 and 26 in cooperation with Washington, has already been rebuffed by Palestinian officials and business leaders.