VP: Iran to Take Legal Action against US Violation of Airspace

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian vice president pledged that the Islamic Republic will take legal action against the US for violating the country’s airspace.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Sunday, La'ya Joneidi underlined that Iran would not brook any violation of its aerial, land or maritime borders.

She also stressed the need for constant vigilance and efforts to avert a war.

Joneidi further denounced the US move to deploy a spy drone into Iranian airspace as a “violation of the international law”, noting that Tehran will be taking judicial measures in this regard.

In the early hours of June 20, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force shot down a US unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that intruded into the airspace of Iran.

The IRGC said the ‘Global Hawk’ spy drone had taken off from a US military base in south of the Persian Gulf at 19:44 GMT on Wednesday (00:14 am local time on Thursday), switched off all of its communication systems, and flew towards the port city of Chabahar via the Strait of Hormuz in maximum stealth.

When flying back to the western part of the region, the unmanned plane violated the Iranian airspace near the Strait of Hormuz and began to spy on Iran and collect information, the IRGC added.

The intruding drone was shot by Iran’s homegrown air defense missile system “Khordad-3rd”.