Zarif Highlights More Evidence of Conspiracy against Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote in a tweet on Sunday that US President Donald Trump was moments away from being trapped into a war by the B-Team, which was yet another conspiracy by the anti-Iran hawks against Tehran.

The top Iranian official noted that the recent intrusion into Iranian airspace by a US drone as well as "speedboat purchases and phone calls planning" were pieces of evidence that showed the attack on oil tankers in Sea of Oman was a false flag to put the blame on Iran.

Zarif said the US president was close to putting himself in a war with the Islamic Republic as his anti-Iran aide team are pushing him to the situation.

“More evidence—including encroachment of a MQ9 spy drone on 5/26, speedboat purchases & phone calls planning to attribute ship attacks to Iran—indicate #B_Team was moments away from trapping @realDonaldTrump into a war,” Zarif wrote in the post.

The B-Team in Zarif’s comments refers to a group of four anti-Iran hawks, including US National Security Adviser John Bolton, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman Al Saud, and crown prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Zarif also in an answer to the US officials who said prudence prevented the US from retaliation against Iran said the tension will continue to exist as long as the ongoing economic terrorism by the United States is still there.

“Prudence prevented it, but #EconomicTerrorism brings tension,” Zarif added.

In the early hours of June 20, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force shot down a US unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that intruded into the airspace of Iran.

The IRGC said the ‘Global Hawk’ spy drone had taken off from a US military base in south of the Persian Gulf at 19:44 GMT on Wednesday (00:14 am local time on Thursday), switched off all of its communication systems, and flew towards the port city of Chabahar via the Strait of Hormuz in maximum stealth.

When flying back to the western part of the region, the unmanned plane violated the Iranian airspace near the Strait of Hormuz and began to spy on Iran and collect information, the IRGC added.

The intruding drone was shot by Iran’s homegrown air defense missile system “Khordad-3rd”.

Trump tweeted Friday morning that he called off an attack in retaliation for the downing of the drone 10 minutes before the strike after "a general" told him that 150 people would likely be killed.