Palestinian Groups Reject Deal of Century, Scorn Manama Meeting

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The representatives of two Palestinian groups denounced a recent workshop that the US held in Bahrain to discuss economic issues in Palestine, and called for Muslim unity against the so-called deal of the century masterminded by the US and Israel.

Maher al-Taher, member of the political bureau of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and Daoud Shihab, member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, attended a press conference in Tehran on Thursday.

In the conference, Taher said the plans for deal of the century and the Manama workshop have miscarried.

Slamming the deal of century as a plot that has been devised by Israel, implemented by US President Donald Trump, and financed by reactionary Arab regimes, Taher said Palestinian groups and even the Palestinian Authority have categorically rejected the plan.

He also dismissed as “utter deceit and trick” the pledges of support for Palestine, including a $50 billion package that the White House has proposed to boost the Palestinian economy, stressing that the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine will press on with resistance until ultimate victory.

The next step after scrapping the deal of century should focus on Palestine’s efforts for the abolition of the Oslo Accords, an end to the recognition of Israel, and termination of security cooperation with the Zionist regime, he added.

Daoud Shihab also stressed at the press conference that the deal of century has been designed to protect Israel in the region.

Palestinians are mainly concerned because certain Arab regimes and rulers have gone into partnership with the US and Israel, he deplored.

Shihab further called on all Muslims to join hands in countering the anti-Palestinian plots, which he said threaten the entire Islamic and Arab community.

Bahrain played host to a two-day workshop to discuss what the US described as the economic part of Trump's deal of the century. However, the Palestinian leadership boycotted the Manama meeting.

White House senior adviser and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner opened the Bahrain workshop on Tuesday by saying that an agreement on an economic pathway forward was a “necessary precondition” for Israeli-Palestinian peace.