Protesters Storm Bahrain Embassy in Iraq over Confab for Deal of Century

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A crowd of Iraqi demonstrators stormed the Bahrain embassy in Baghdad on Thursday to protest Manama's decision to host a so-called deal of century conference sponsored by the US to end Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Several protesters can be seen in the videos posted on social media trying to break into the embassy, alongside some attempting to remove the Bahraini flag from the top of the building.

An Iraqi official speaking on condition of anonymity told the media that the protesters stayed in the garden of the embassy complex and did not enter the offices inside the compound, Press TV reported.

According to the official, Iraqi security forces tried to disperse the protest by opening fire in the air until reinforcements arrived to secure the Bahrain embassy, which is located in Baghdad’s western neighborhood of Mansour.

Following the protests, Bahrain recalled its ambassador to Iraq for consultations.

The so-called "Peace to Prosperity" workshop opened in the Bahraini capital Manama on June 25 and ran through June 26 and sought to garner support for a $50 billion investment plan in Palestine.

The US plan has been met with disdain from Palestinians and the international community because early leaks suggest that it would ultimately seek to take away Palestinian people's right to statehood.

The Palestinian leadership boycotted the meeting, leading critics to question the credibility of the event.