Iran Urges Closer Military Ties with Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Defense Minister of Iran Brigadier General Amir Hatami called for the expansion of military and defense ties between Tehran and Baghdad, describing support for Iraq as a principled policy of the Islamic Republic.

In a telephone conversation with his new Iraqi counterpart, General Hatami congratulated Najah Hassan Ali Al-Shammari on taking the post.

Hailing Iraq as a friend of Iran with age-old religious, social and civilizational commonalities, the Iranian minister expressed the hope for the enhancement of military and defense cooperation between the two neighbors during Al-Shammari’s tenure.

Supporting the Iraqi government and nation is a principled policy of the Islamic Republic, General Hatami noted, adding, “We consider Iraq’s security, stability and progress as being in the interests of the region, and have always defended it.”

Stressing the need for closer consultations between Tehran and Baghdad on the bilateral and regional issues, the defense minister invited his Iraqi counterpart to pay a visit to Iran.

For his part, Al-Shammari praised Iran for supporting Iraq in the fight against terrorist groups, saying the two neighboring states share a lot of interests and their security and stability are interrelated.

Earlier in June, Commander of Khatam al-Anbia Anti-Aircraft Base of the Iranian Army, Brigadier General Alireza Sabahi Fard, said the Iranian Air Defense is fully prepared to satisfy Iraq’s air defense demands in all areas.

In April, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri said Tehran and Baghdad have agreed to launch air defense cooperation to combat possible threats to Iran’s western border.

In July 2017, Iran and Iraq signed an agreement to boost military cooperation in a host of fields, including counterterrorism.

Based on the deal, Tehran and Baghdad try to promote interaction and share experiences in the fight against terrorism and extremism, work together to ensure border security, and provide each other with training and logistical, technical and military support.