Iran’s Rouhani Congratulates Venezuela on National Day

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated the Venezuelan people and government on the Latin American country’s Independence Day.

In a message to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday, Rouhani expressed his “sincere congratulations” to the South American nation on the anniversary of their 1811 independence. 

“Admiring the commitment of the Venezuelan nation and government to the ideals of its freedom-seeking leaders such as Simon Bolivar and Hugo Chavez, the Islamic Republic of Iran reaffirms its deep and fraternal solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and expresses its full readiness to strengthen bilateral relations more than ever,” he said.

Rouhani also whished Maduro health and success and prayed for the prosperity of the Latin American country’s people. 

The congress of Venezuelan provinces adopted The Venezuelan Declaration of Independence on July 5, 1811. Through the Declaration, Venezuelans made the decision to separate from the Spanish Crown in order to establish a new nation based on the premises of equality of individuals, abolition of censorship and dedication to freedom of expression.

The declaration proclaimed a new nation called the American Confederacy of Venezuela and was ratified by Congress on July 7, 1811.

Iran and Venezuela enjoy extremely high level of diplomatic ties and are strategic allies, as both countries strongly oppose to the “US imperialism”.

Trade between Venezuela and Iran have grown steadily during the recent years and the two countries have launched joint ventures in a number of sectors, including energy, agriculture, housing, and infrastructure. The value of industrial development projects carried out by Iranian firms in Venezuela stood at around $4 billion in 2008.