Assad Adviser Hails Iran-Syria ‘Strategic’ Relations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A political and media adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad hailed bilateral relations between Tehran and Damascus as “strategic” and said the ties can never be affected by enemies of the Islamic Republic.

In a speech in Tartus,‎ a city on the Mediterranean coast of Syria, on Sunday, Bouthaina Shaaban said the Arab country’s alliance with Russia is historical.

“We have also had a historic relationship with Iran since the victory of the Islamic Revolution,” she added.

The top adviser to Assad went on to say that “this strategic relationship” will never be affected by remarks made by those who seek to attack Iran for the sake of Israel.

Since the outbreak of war and foreign militancy in Syria in 2011, Iran has stood by the Syrian government and supported its people against terrorist groups, including Daesh (ISIS or ISIL).

In recent months, the Syrian army has managed to liberate many of the areas occupied by terrorists and has begun the reconstruction process.

Back in January, Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri traveled to Syria with a 40-strong political and business delegation, during which the two sides inked 11 agreements.

In December 2018, Syrian Ambassador to Tehran Adnan Mahmoud said his country gives priority to Iran for carrying out projects in the reconstruction process of Syria after years of war.

In September 2017, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York that Iran would assist the Syrian nation in reconstructing their country after the war, in the same way that it contributed to the delivery of humanitarian aid to the Arab state amid the crisis.