Iran Says Adrian Darya’s Oil Cargo Sold

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has sold the cargo of oil carried by Adrian Darya, a supertanker recently released by Gibraltar, spokesman for the Iranian administration said Monday.

Speaking to reporters at a weekly press conference, Ali Rabiee said he has no idea where Adrian Darya is destined for, because the supertanker’s oil has been sold.

Asked whether the oil tanker was sailing for Qatar, the spokesperson said, “The owner of the purchased oil would determine at which coast it (Adrian Darya) will berth. I don’t know its destination.”

Iran’s supertanker Adrian Darya, formerly known as Grace-1, was released by the government of Gibraltar more than a month after it had been captured by the UK forces on suspicion of attempting to breach global sanctions against Syria.

The ship, containing more than 2 million gallons of Iranian light crude oil, was seized on July 4 in a British Royal Navy operation off the coast of Gibraltar.

Tehran maintained that the supertanker was not bound for Syria and its seizure has taken place at the behest of the US.

While Gibraltar rejected a US request to continue holding the Iranian supertanker, US National Security Adviser John Bolton has strongly urged not to allow the supertanker to off-load in a Mediterranean port.

Iran’s Navy has expressed readiness to escort the oil tanker at the discretion of top authorities.