Three People Hospitalized after Shooting in Malmo, Sweden

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Three people, including a woman and a child, have been hospitalized in Malmo, Sweden, after a shooting near a popular beach park, SVT Nyheter broadcaster reported on Monday.

The SOS Alarm emergency service confirmed to SVT Nyheter that three people had been hospitalized, without providing any information about their condition.

An eyewitness told the broadcaster that he saw a woman and a child lying on the ground, while other witnesses said they saw a woman and a child being carried away by an ambulance car, Sputnik reported.

​Meanwhile, a representative of the local police, Calle Persson, said that the police could currently confirm only one injury.

"We believe that at least one person has been injured as a result of the shooting. We cannot say anything else now. We continue questioning witnesses," Persson told SVT Nyheter.

The Ribersborg neighborhood, near the city beach, has been cordoned off, with criminal experts working on the site of the shooting.

According to the local police, they have cordoned off the territory to carry out an investigation.