Yemeni Missile Hits Saudi Arabia's Abha Airport

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemeni troops have attacked Saudi Arabia’s Abha airport with a cruise missile, the spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces said.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree said the missile targeted plane hangars on Wednesday, adding that the attack led to air traffic being halted at the airport, Reuters reported.

This came after fighters from Popular Committees launched airstrikes against military sites in Saudi Arabia's southern regions of Jizan and Najran on Wednesday afternoon, using domestically-manufactured Qasef-2K (Striker-2K) combat drones.

Also on Wednesday, Saudi fighter jets carried out a dozen airstrikes against the Kitaf wa al-Boqe'e district in Yemen’s mountainous northwestern province of Sa’ada.

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched the war on Yemen in March 2015 in an attempt to reinstall the Riyadh-allied former regime and crush the Houthi Ansarullah movement -- objectives that have failed to materialize due to Yemenis’ stiff resistance.

Since the war began, there have been tens of thousands of civilian casualties. Millions of Yemenis now subsist beneath the poverty line and hundreds of thousands of children are suffering and dying from malnutrition.

The Western-backed military aggression, coupled with a naval blockade, has also destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure and led to a massive humanitarian crisis.