Trump's Personal Assistant Resigns from White House amid Tensions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The US President’s personal assistant, Madeleine Westerhout, who has served as the president’s gatekeeper since Trump took office, resigned on Thursday, after it was determined she shared private information about the president with reporters.

Westerhout allegedly shared intimate details about the president's family and life during an off-the-record dinner with reporters staying near Bedminster, N.J., where Trump was on vacation. Her desk sat outside the Oval Office and she was often seen alongside Trump, FoxNews reported.

Politico reported some White House officials had become weary of her as she tried to expand her role from personal assistant to include duties associated with foreign travel and other tasks.

One White House adviser told the outlet the breach of trust was "the final straw."

Ms. Westerhout, a former Republican National Committee aide who also worked for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign, reportedly cried on election night because she was upset over Mr. Trump’s victory, according to New York Times. As such, the president at first viewed her warily, as a late convert to his cause who could not be trusted.

But some of Mr. Trump’s top officials — like John F. Kelly, who has since left as chief of staff — tried to turn Ms. Westerhout into an ally who could help them manage Oval Office traffic. They hoped that she could block individuals from reaching the president on the phone or in person, and that she would report back on the calls and meetings that made it through.

Ms. Westerhout’s power in the White House came almost entirely from proximity. She is not a name-brand White House aide and has never appeared on television, unless it was an accidental shot of her hovering behind her boss. But while she was not a decision maker, she enjoyed unique access to Mr. Trump.

She joined the Trump campaign from the Republican National Committee. Her departure adds to the growing list of staffers and other Trump administration officials who have come and gone.

More than 60 percent of those with the title of assistant to the president left with the first 18 months.