Venezuela Says to Present Evidence of Colombia's 'Support for Terrorists'

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Caracas intends to present to the United Nations evidence that Colombian President Ivan Duque provides shelter to terrorist groups trained in his country to attack the constitutional order of the Bolivarian republic, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said on Saturday.

"Venezuela will present before the UN conclusive evidence on the protection and safeguard of @IvanDuque to terrorist groups, trained and armed in Colombia to, with their consent, attack our constitutional order, in violation of Security Council Resolution 1373!" Rodriguez wrote on Twitter.

Earlier on Saturday, the Venezuelan minister for communications and information, Jorge Rodriguez, presented satellite photos allegedly showing that Colombia hosts three training camps for some 200 militants. The militants, he says, are trained to carry out attacks on Venezuela aimed at undermining the positions of President Nicolas Maduro, Sputnik reported.

According to Rodriguez, the fact that Duque takes no action to stop such aggression against Caracas indicates that he is "complicit with these terrorists."

The two neighboring nations regularly accuse each other of supporting anti-government militias. The Colombian leadership, particularly, alleges the Caracas has been supporting the former rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) group.

Last week, Maduro announced the country's readiness to help Colombia establish a dialogue between the government and members of the former rebel FARC group, as a handful of former members of the latter began to call to revive their fight against Bogota.