Iran’s Shamkhani Hails Hezbollah’s Operation against Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council praised the Lebanese Hezbollah for Sunday’s attack on Israeli targets, saying the retaliatory operation attested to the resistance front’s determination to combat threats and destabilizing forces.

In a statement released on Sunday evening, Ali Shamkhani commended Hezbollah for hitting an Israeli military target near the border with the occupied Palestinian lands earlier in the day.

He also hailed the Lebanese resistance movement’s retaliatory action at the beginning of the days of mourning for Imam Hussein (AS) as the embodiment of the highly-revered imam’s motto “far from us is disgrace,” according to IFP News.

The US and the Zionist regime are making evil moves in the Persian Gulf region and the Levant, said Shamkhani, adding, “Countering the American drone that violated the Islamic Republic’s airspace and the Lebanese Hezbollah’s punishment for the Zionist regime translate into the resistance front’s resolve to combat the threats and incendiary acts by the front of destabilizers in the region.”

The Iranian official further praised Hezbollah as a genuine, smart and highly popular movement, stating, “Safeguarding the Lebanese people’s interests and conforming to what is in their interest is a pivotal policy of Hezbollah in making political and defensive decisions.”

Hezbollah said on Sunday it had targeted an Israeli military vehicle near the border with the occupied Palestinian lands, killing and injuring all forces on board.

According to the Lebanese resistance group, the operation was carried out by two fighter groups, who targeted two Israeli vehicles. One of the vehicles escaped the Lebanese fighters’ fire, but the other one was totally destroyed leaving all those on board killed or injured.