Iran Voices Support for Syria-UN Interaction

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif reaffirmed Tehran’s support for a political settlement of the crisis in Syria and for positive interaction between the Damascus government and the United Nations.

United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria Geir O. Pedersen met with Zarif in Tehran on Tuesday for talks on the latest developments in Syria and grounds for cooperation to help the Arab country.

The two sides also reviewed the political developments in Syria, efforts by the UN and the guarantors of the Astana peace process, as well as formation of Syria’s constitutional committee.

In the meeting, Zarif highlighted Iran’s efforts in the fight against terrorism and extremism within the framework of a political process, such as formation of Syria’s constitutional committee in cooperation with the Astana process guarantors and UN envoys.

The top Iranian diplomat also deplored the US government’s pressures hindering the formation and coming into operation of the committee.

Zarif further reaffirmed Iran’s determination to settle the Syria crisis politically, expressed support for any positive interaction between Damascus and the United Nations, and stressed that Tehran always encourages contacts between Syria and the UN.

For his part, Pedersen expounded on his latest efforts to address Syria’s issues in consultation with a number of countries.

Since the outbreak of war and foreign militancy in Syria in 2011, Iran has stood by the Syrian government and supported its people against terrorist groups, including Daesh (ISIL).

The Syrian army has managed to liberate many of the areas occupied by terrorists over the past year and has begun the reconstruction process.

In January, Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri traveled to Syria with a 40-strong political and business delegation, during which the two sides inked 11 agreements.

Last month, the Syrian president’s political and media adviser, Bouthaina Shaaban, hailed the bilateral relations between Tehran and Damascus as “strategic” and said the ties can never be affected by enemies of the Islamic Republic.