IRGC Seizes 7 Fishing Boats South of Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy said it has impounded seven fishing boats in Iran’s southern waters for violating fishing regulations.

In a statement on Wednesday, the IRGC Navy said its servicemen at the Emamat naval base in the Jask region have confiscated the boats that used trolling method of fishing.

The seven trolling fishing boats, with 24 foreign crew, were seized on Tuesday evening for breaking the rules by ignoring the permissible distance from the coast and violating the regulations on landing fish, the IRGC said, adding that Iran’s Judiciary authorities were considering the case.

According to the IRGC, the boats had caught a total of 222 tons of aquatic animals.

The statement also underlined that the IRGC Navy has stepped up sea patrols and uses (Basij) voluntary naval units to seriously combat any violation of fishing rules that may threaten the livelihood of local fishermen.