Syria Condemns Joint US-Turkish Patrols in Northeast

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syria condemned Sunday joint US-Turkish patrols in a border strip in the northeast of the country, saying it was a "flagrant violation" of its sovereignty, an official statement said.

The move was also a violation of the "territorial integrity" of Syria, further said the Syrian foreign ministry statement,

The Damascus government considers attempts by the US-backed Kurdish YPG militia aimed at dividing the country.

Armed Turkish military vehicles crossed into Syria on Sunday and headed southwest with their US counterparts to begin joint patrols to establish a "safe zone" along a border region mainly controlled by Kurdish forces.

Turkey and the US have been at odds over the situation in northeast Syria, where an alliance of Kurdish and Arab militants have enjoyed Washington’s support in their alleged fight against terrorism.

Turkey views the Syrian YPG Kurdish fighters as an extension of its own Kurdish militancy, insisting the US should end its support for the group.