Another Zionist Loon Will Replace Bolton: Mark Dankof

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Mark Dankof, a former US Senate candidate, said President Donald Trump would replace John Bolton “with another radical Neo-Conservative/Zionist loon”.

“The firing of Bolton is a laughable attempt by the President to cover for his War Party/Sheldon Adelson handlers. Trump's betrayal of his America-First constituency is becoming increasingly obvious to everyone but the brain-dead. Unfortunately, the latter category comprises most Americans who watch Mainstream Media in this country, both Republicans and Democrats. It is noteworthy that Mr. Trump will and has now replace(d) Mr. Bolton, at least temporarily, with another radical Neo-Conservative/Zionist loon in an attempt to continue the charade with his own voters that he will extricate them in 2020 and beyond from the quagmire in the Middle East dived into in earnest by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Company. It simply will not work,” Mark Dankof, who is also a broadcaster and pastor in San Antonio, Texas, told Tasnim.

Mark Dankof is a broadcaster for The Ugly Truth Podcast. Born in Wiesbaden, Germany, the son of a United States Air Force Colonel, he graduated from Valparaiso University in 1977 and from Chicago's Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1983. In recent years, he has pursued post-graduate work in systematic theology and theological German at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Formerly the 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle and later an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996, he entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.

Following is the full text of the interview. 

Tasnim: US President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced the firing of national security adviser John Bolton. What is the main reason behind this?  The dozen-plus names being floated to replace John Bolton run the gamut — from ambassadors to military officers to business leaders. Who would replace him? 

Dankof: The firing of Bolton is a laughable attempt by the President to cover for his War Party/Sheldon Adelson handlers. Trump's betrayal of his America-First constituency is becoming increasingly obvious to everyone but the brain-dead. Unfortunately, the latter category comprises most Americans who watch Mainstream Media in this country, both Republicans and Democrats. It is noteworthy that Mr. Trump will and has now replace(d) Mr. Bolton, at least temporarily, with another radical Neo-Conservative/Zionist loon in an attempt to continue the charade with his own voters that he will extricate them in 2020 and beyond from the quagmire in the Middle East dived into in earnest by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Company. It simply will not work. I told National Bugle Radio on the Republic Broadcasting Network today that real American Nationalists cannot continue to support this man or his policies unless there is an immediate, radical change in direction. There is no earthly reason to believe there will be. After all, Mr. Trump illegitimately and unilaterally pulled the United States out of the JCPOA/P5+1 deal with Iran. He moved the American Embassy in Israel illegitimately and illegally to Jerusalem. He continues to aid and abet Mr. Netanyahu's land thievery of the Occupied Territories and East Jerusalem, the Gaza Genocide, and the Saudi-Israel Genocide taking place in Yemen. His Zionist rhetoric on Iran is matched by illegal and illegitimate economic sanctions on Iran even though Iran abided by the terms of the multilateral nuclear deal that Trump negated. When one adds to all of this the continued encirclement of Putin's Russia by NATO and American military assets, the illegal attempts to overthrow the Venezuelan government, and the Neo-Conservative/Zionist charade Mr. Trump continued to maintain on international TV regarding 9-11 on the 18th Anniversary, how it happened and who was behind it, I have concluded the situation is hopeless. I said so on Twitter and for a film documentary on 9-11 which airs in your country this Sunday. And make no mistake about it: The Democrats will have a Zionist tool as their 2020 nominee, despite their political posturing about desiring a foreign policy of "Peace." Bolton is gone, at least for now, but the Zionist stranglehold on United States foreign policy and American domestic politics and institutions continues unabated. Both Trump and his "Opposition" know this, but are simply playing games. The Whitney Webb articles for Mint Press News on the Epstein-Maxwell-Pedophile Network and her essay on Christian Zionism both go a long way toward explaining how sick the American political process is, regardless of which major party wins a Presidential election. The Israeli-Zionist PAC money game in Federal elections published by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs on an annual basis is another key to understanding the 5th Stage Cancer of the American Empire.

Tasnim: Bolton denied being fired and insisted that he had resigned. Democratic Senator Jack Reed said that "Bolton was wrong for this job," but added that removing him "isn't going to fix the failures plaguing this administration's dysfunctional foreign policy." He further described the White House as being "in constant turmoil." It seems that the Trump administration is in chaos. What do you think?

Dankof: I will give you the best possible answer. Dr. Philip Giraldi, former CIA Station Chief and head of the Council for the National Interest underscores that the Trump administration is in total disarray and chaos. I agree with him. Dr. Giraldi's essay at the Unz Review, entitled "Trump Foreign Policy as Theater of the Absurd" sums it up beautifully. As far as Senator Reed's observation that firing Bolton "isn't going to fix the failures plaguing this Administration's dysfunctional foreign policy," I agree, but hasten to add that the real problem is much deeper than Donald Trump. It is the absolute control the Zionist entity possesses over American institutions and policies that has been the case since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This is not an accident, by the way. Your readers need to be acquainted with Laurent Guyenot's Did Israel Kill the Kennedys? and the complete text of Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment, to see how much power and control I am speaking of. My own discussion with Kourosh Ziabari on 9-11 and Israel underscores how systematic this malignancy really is, and how comatose the American public is as well. I did not call the latter "brain-dead" earlier in this interview as a flippancy. I chose this description very carefully. I will add something that perhaps Senator Reed would not, as a warning to the people of Iran. Beware not only of Zionist military aggression and economic sanctions, but infiltration through Cultural Marxism which has hijacked the United States and the West. My own post for Charles Bausman's Russia Insider on the LGBTQ movement and its tactics of infiltration and societal subversion was penned with both Russia and Iran in mind. I have sent this to top officials of your government as a warning, as I did in the case of my warnings to the Iranian nation in 2013 on the way in which the Pearl Harbor attack would serve as a primer for American/Zionist machinations involving your country.

Tasnim: US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin underlined that Trump and top aides remain "completely-aligned" on Washington's sanctions against Iran. However, Rob Malley, president of the International Crisis Group consultancy, said Bolton's departure could realign White House policy on Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. What are your thoughts on this?

Dankof: I believe all the available evidence I have already cited forces me to conclude that the Zionist American Treasury Secretary is correct on this subject. As for the Old American Right, the American Nationalist Right, we understand that the American Warfare-Welfare-Surveillance-Perversion State is a threat to the survival of every single innocent life on this planet. It is a Zionist Machine from start to finish. It needs to be eradicated. I stated such on Martin Luther King Day in 2018 to the African-American Community in San Antonio. This fight is not simply a fight conducted by Americans who want their Constitution and the Bill of Rights back, but the fight we share with Iranians, Russians, Palestinians, Syrians, Venezuelans, Iraqis, Libyans, and all the people of the world threatened by this Beast at the darkest and most dangerous period of time in all of human history.