US Continues Cyberwar against Iran: Zarif

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the US has already initiated a cyberwar against Iran.

"There is a cyber-war going on. The United States started that cyberwar, with attacking our nuclear facilities in a very dangerous, irresponsible way that could've killed millions of people," Zarif said in an interview with NBC, which will air in full on Sunday

"There is a cyber-war and Iran is engaged in that cyberwar," he added.

"Any war that the United States starts, it won't be able to finish."

The Washington Post reported in June 2012 that US spy services and Israel’s military had worked together to launch the Stuxnet virus attack on a uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, Iran.

Asked whether Iran was attempting to interfere with the 2020 US presidential election, Zarif said the Islamic Republic doesn't have a preference in the race.

"We don't have a preference in your election to intervene in that election," he said. "We don't interfere in the internal affairs of another country”.

Iran’s foreign minister was in New York for the 74th annual session of the UN General Assembly.