Cheering Syrians Welcome Gov’t Forces as Army Boosts Presence in Hasaka (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Syrian army boosts its presence in the northern countryside of Hasaka as military units move from Qamishli near Turkish borders to the north-western side of Hasaka amid a warm welcome by civilians.

SANA reported from Hasaka that the army boosted its presence in the northern countryside of Hasaka and entered Um al-Keif village on Tal Tamer-Ras al-Ayn road to face the Turkish forces in the region.

Earlier, the army units moved from Qamishli city, near the Turkish border, towards the northwest countryside of the city to repel the Turkish offensive and protect people from any attacks.

According to SANA, several military vehicles carrying army soldiers moved on Friday afternoon from Qamishli city to be deployed in the western countryside of the province.


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