Iran Supports Public Demands in Iraq: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi expressed deep sorrow over the recent escalation of violence in Iraq that has killed and injured dozens of people and said Tehran fully backs public demands in the Arab country.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran backs the Iraqi people’s demands and requests, which have been clearly underlined in statements and remarks of the Iraqi religious leaders and Prime Minister (Adil Abdul-Mahdi),” Mousavi said in a statement on Saturday night.

The Iranian spokesman further offered deep regret about recent incidents in Iraq that led to the killing and injuring of dozens of people and caused damages to public property and decried attempts to hijack the protests and increase violence there.

“We are confident that the Iraqi government, nation, and the religious leaders will manage to overcome the problems and work on the prosperity of Iraq through solidarity,” he noted.

“Since the formation of new Iraq, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been a supporter of the Iraqi government and nation and at sensitive junctures, it has offered its capacities to the friendly, brotherly and neighboring state, Iraq,” Mousavi stated.

At least 67 people have been killed during two days of protest in Iraq, after clashes between demonstrators, security forces and militia groups, according to media reports.

Hundreds more people were injured in what are the second wave of protests in October.

The protesters, mainly unemployed young men, are calling for work, better public services and an end to corruption in their country.

On Saturday, Abdul-Mahdi deployed members of the country's counter-terrorism service (CTS) in an effort to contain violence in the capital Baghdad and the city of Nasiriya in the south.