Death of Baghdadi Not End of Daeshism: Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for Iran’s administration, Ali Rabiei, shrugged off the US announcement of the killing of Daesh leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and said it does not mean that Takfiri terrorism or “Daeshism” has ended.

Speaking on his Twitter account on Sunday night, Rabiei said the US government’s policies are the main reason for the proliferation of Daesh and other Takfiri terror outfits.

The death of Baghdadi at the hands of US military forces should bring an end to the country’s interventionism in the Middle East, he said.

The spokesman further said Baghdadi’s death is only the death of a symbol and it doesn’t mean the fight against Daesh is completed, just as killing former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden didn’t bring terrorism to an end.

“Baghdadi’s death is the end of a symbol of injective-destructive terrorism: injecting a lethal ideology into the hearts of human societies and destroying the image of Islam in the eyes of the public,” Rabiei added.

“However, just as bin Laden’s death didn’t root out terror, Baghdadi’s will not be the end of Daeshism either,” he said.

Deaths of bin Laden and Baghdadi only ended a chapter in the fight against the Daeshi brand of terrorism, he added.

US President Donald Trump announced on Sunday that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has died during a “dangerous and daring” nighttime operation in Syria.