Oil Smuggling to Continue with US Troops Occupying Syrian Oil Fields: American Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Dean Henderson, author and geopolitical analyst from Missouri, said the US president’s announcement to withdraw forces from Syria was a “ruse”, adding that Donald Trump is now using American troops to occupy the Arab country’s oil fields and smuggling of Syrian oil will continue.

“Trump's announcement of a withdrawal from northwest Syria and support of the YPG was a ruse. The US actually backs the Takfiri Daesh fighters and always has. They were used to smuggle oil from Syria for the multinationals. Now Trump is using US troops to openly occupy the oilfields. That is the only difference,” Dean Henderson told Tasnim.

Dean Henderson earned a BLS (Bachelor of Liberal Studies) from the University of South Dakota and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana. He founded/published/edited one of America’s first political “zines”, The Missoula Paper, in 1990 in Missoula where he was also a regular columnist for the Montana Kaimin. Henderson has traveled to some 50 countries and has written articles for the Global Research, In These Times, Paranoia, Veterans Today, and Rense.com.

He has authored five books. His first book, "Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network" has become a global cult classic among conspiracy researchers. His second book, "The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries" chronicles insights gained from a lifetime of overseas travel. His third book, "Das Kartell der Federal Reserve: Acht Familien beherrschen die Welt", is published is German language by Kopp Verlag. His fourth book, "Stickin’ it to the Matrix", is a practical guide to dropping out of the evil Illuminati system and kicking it in the nuts! His most recent book "The Federal Reserve Cartel", reveals the owners of the world’s private central banks and offers a solution to end their global hegemony over the planet and its people.

Following is the full text of the interview:

Tasnim: The Pentagon has threatened that American forces deployed around Syrian oil fields will use “military force” against any party that may seek to challenge Washington’s control of those sites, even if it is Syrian government forces or their Russian allies. What do you think about this sudden oil decision?

Henderson: The Syrian invasion and occupation by US & UK-backed militants was always about oil & pipelines. (Syrian President Bashar) Assad is a socialist and would not privatize these fields for the Exxon Mobils and Genie Oils of the world. So finally, the world sees what all this death and destruction has really been about. Obviously, the Syrian people own these resources and should be able to do as they wish with the oil fields.

Tasnim: The US military announced last week that it was reinforcing its position in Syria with additional assets, including mechanized forces, on a mission claimed to be aimed at preventing Syrian oil fields from falling to remnants of the Takfiri Daesh terror group in Syria, reversing Trump’s promise of a full military withdrawal from the Arab state. What has prompted the US to become the protector of Syria's oil? 

Henderson: Trump's announcement of a withdrawal from northwest Syria and support of the YPG was a ruse. The US actually backs the Takfiri Daesh fighters and always has. They were used to smuggle oil from Syria for the multinationals. Now Trump is using US troops to openly occupy the oil fields. That is the only difference.

Tasnim: Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Major General Igor Konashenkov has blasted Washington’s oilfield operation as “state-sponsored banditry,” saying the US was stationing its troops in northeastern Syria to pave the way for smugglers to pillage Syrian resources. Do you believe so?

Henderson: He is correct. The oil smuggling will continue and Syria's resources stolen by the pirate bankers based in the City of London.