US ‘Political Philosophy’ Has Failed, IRGC Chief Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami slammed the US government’s “political philosophy” as a total failure, saying the more money Washington spends, the less it gains.

“It was customary in the world that others paid the costs and the US made profit, but now the opposite is true, meaning that the US is spending and its enemies are enjoying the benefits,” Major General Salami said in Tehran on Saturday.

“The Americans have failed in their political philosophy, which is based on plundering other countries for US dominance in the world. But such a philosophy creates enemies and would not result in victory,” the IRGC commander added.

Highlighting the erosion of US power after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Salami said, “Guardians of the US can no more be reliable guardians across the globe, because they have defined interests for themselves.”

“It has been years that Americans cannot create a balance between the costs of their activities and the economic affairs of their country. They have been stuck in the spiral of their costs, as the more they spend, the more defeats they suffer,” the commander added.

He also stressed that the White House has lost the capability to project power because of a lack of a strategy.

The US power has become exhausted, weary and costly, the IRGC chief went on to say. 

In comments in November 2018, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei highlighted the diminishing influence of the US government in all areas of power, saying Washington has even discredited “liberal democracy” which is known as the basis of Western civilization.

There is a consensus among major international experts that the US power is dwindling in all areas, the Leader underscored, adding that, conversely, the Iranian nation is moving forward and has a bright future.

Ayatollah Khamenei also branded the US government as the loser of confrontation with the Islamic Republic over the past 40 years, saying the fact in confrontation between the US and Iran is that “the victorious side in this challenge has been the Islamic Republic of Iran and the loser has been the US.”