VP: More Jobs Created in Iran despite US Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri highlighted the growing trend in making jobs in Iran, saying the success has been achieved under the pressure of US sanctions.

In an address to a meeting of the Supreme Council of Occupations, Jahangiri said one of the administration’s top priorities is to create employment in order to stimulate economic growth.

Pointing to a positive trend in the creation of jobs in spring and summer, the vice president said if the growing trends continue in the second half of the current Iranian year, it will mark a stellar record for the administration in dealing with the US pressures and cruel sanctions.

A sum of $1.5 billion from the National Development Fund has been allocated to job creation, Jahangiri added, calling for efforts to invest the financial resources in creating sustainable employment.

In February, President Hassan Rouhani unveiled plans to reduce unemployment and create jobs by supporting knowledge-based economy and technology-based companies.

“In the knowledge-based economy sector and the technology-based companies and start-ups, 300,000 jobs have been created, and we plan to add at least 100,000 jobs annually which would create a great movement in the society,” Rouhani said in a meeting with the Ministry of Cooperative, Labor and Social Welfare’s officials in Tehran on Monday.


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