Swedish Envoy Condemns US Sanctions on Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Sweden’s new ambassador to Iran slammed the US’ imposition of sanctions against the Islamic Republic as an illegal move that has created many problems.

Sweden’s incoming ambassador to Iran Mattias Lentz met with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday to submit his credentials.

In the meeting, the Swedish diplomat said his country condemns the illegal American sanctions against Iran.

“We believe that these sanctions have created many problems and we try to play a constructive role,” Lentz said.

He also expressed Sweden’s readiness to work in cooperation with Iran on the initiatives for easing regional tensions, adding, “Sweden has always supported the JCPOA, and we emphasize that all parties (to the nuclear deal) must honor their commitments.”

Pointing to the history of trade and industrial cooperation between Iran and Sweden, the ambassador said Swedish companies and economic activists consider Iran as a reliable partner.

He also called for efforts to enhance political, trade, economic, scientific and academic interaction with Iran.

For his part, the Iranian president made a reference to the close economic and political relations between Tehran and Stockholm in the past, and hoped for the promotion of cooperation with Sweden.

He also lauded Sweden’s stances in support of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), adding, “The Islamic Republic of Iran is still committed to its JCPOA undertakings, and the International Atomic Energy Agency will keep monitoring Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.”

Rouhani reiterated that a phased reduction in Iran’s commitments to the JCPOA was in accordance with the nuclear deal, saying Tehran will once again carry out its commitments to the full as soon as the other parties honor theirs.

Earlier this month, Iran restarted enrichment at the Fordow nuclear facility as the fourth step away from the 2015 accord.

The country had earlier reduced its commitments in three other phases, but the latest one, the injection of uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas into centrifuges at Fordow, is believed to be the most important step so far, and a serious warning to the other parties.

In May 2018, US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the JCPOA.

Iran and the remaining parties launched talks to save the JCPOA after the US withdrawal, but the three EU parties to the deal (France, Britain, and Germany) have failed to ensure Iran’s economic interests.

The EU’s inaction forced Tehran to stop honoring certain commitments to the nuclear deal, including a rise in the stockpile of enriched uranium.

Iran maintains that the new measures are not designed to harm the JCPOA but to save the accord by creating a balance in the commitments.