Iran’s Judiciary Puts Legal Restrictions on Key Elements of Saudi-Backed TV

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Judiciary has placed legal restrictions on the properties of the key elements of the “Saudi-Zionist” TV channel Iran International, given the “terrorist” nature of the UK-based media outlet, the Judiciary’s Media Center said.

“Following the moves by the Saudi-Zionist network of Iran International to organize terrorist, subversive and separatist acts and encourage destruction of public property and after the careful tracking of these moves by the forces of the Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran, some legal restrictions have been imposed on the key elements of the hostile network,” the center said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Some anti-Tehran Persian-language networks which have financial and intelligence affiliations with Western countries and some of the reactionary regimes in the region have sought to ... worsen Iran’s internal situation,” the statement added.

The Saudi-Zionist network of Iran International has made attempts to disrupt the security of the country by encouraging and provoking thugs to organize terrorist acts, it said.

Due to the “terrorist, subversive and divisive nature” of the network, some judicial and legal restrictions have been imposed on the properties of its key elements, the judiciary went on to say.

 Following a hike in the price of gasoline earlier this month, a number of Iranian cities saw sporadic protests that turned violent in some cases. A number of banks and government buildings were set ablaze.

Meanwhile, anti-Iranian media outlets as well as some Western officials, including US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, voiced their support for the rioters who took advantage of the protests.

In an address on November 17, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei warned that the sporadic protests and acts of vandalism in Iran would create insecurity.

Describing insecurity as the worst calamity for society, the Leader said that “all evil centers in the world” have mobilized efforts in recent days to encourage unrest in Iran.

Ayatollah Khamenei also called on the Iranian authorities to be careful that the rise in the price of fuel would not increase the price of other commodities.

The Leader also called on the people to separate themselves from a group of thugs who are encouraged by the foreign-based anti-Iranian front to foment insecurity.