Yemeni Protesters Condemn Continued Saudi Aggression, UN Failure on Hudaydah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Residents of Yemen's port city of Hudaydah staged a mass rally to condemn continued violations of Stockholm agreement by the Saudi-led forces as well as UN’s failure to implement the peace agreement.

The protesters referred to the latest violations of the agreement by Saudi-led forces after they targeted a number of mostly residential neighborhoods in over 20 airstrikes.

The protesters raised banners denouncing the peace violations by the forces of Saudi aggression and its mercenaries. They also condemned the United Nations’ failure to implement the Stockholm agreement on Hudaydah, Yemeni Almasirah news network reported.

The protest statement condemned the continued violations of Stockholm Agreement by the forces supported by the Saudi Arabia, the latest of which was the targeting of the Directorate of Al-Salif, Kamaran Island, Ras Issa Port and Al-Faza district in Attohayta district with more than 20 raids that killed many innocent people.

The statement held the United Nations responsible for all crimes resulted from violations by Saudi-led forces and the blockade against Yemen.

The protesters made it clear that these violations are encouraged and are as the result of UN's suspicious silence, which has no justification. All these crimes against the people of the province are not mentioned in any of the UN press release.