Iran-Russia-China Joint Drills Show US Global Power ‘Diminishing’: American Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst said the ongoing joint drills of Iran, Russia and China in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Oman herald a new day in international relations, adding that the ability of the US and its allies to dominate the world is “quickly diminishing”.

“The joint naval exercise by Iran, Russia and China is a major geopolitical event and heralds a new day in international relations. It shows that the nations of the world, with their differing social, economic and political systems can unite in the face of continued economic and political aggression from the Western powers led by the US,” Dennis Etler, a professor of Anthropology at Cabrillo College  in Aptos, California, told Tasnim.

He added, “With the rise of China as the world's largest economy (PPP), Russia's resurgence as a military power and the stalwart resistance of countries such as Iran, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, and North Korea to US economic aggression, the ability of the US and its allies to dominate the world is quickly diminishing”.

Following is the full text of the interview.

Tasnim: On Friday, Iran, Russia and China started four days of joint maritime exercise, dubbed the "Marine Security Belt", in an area of 17,000 square kilometers which consists of various tactical drills, such as target practicing and rescuing ships from assault and incidents such as fires. What is your take on the joint naval drills?

Etler: The joint naval exercise by Iran, Russia and China is a major geopolitical event and heralds a new day in international relations. It shows that the nations of the world, with their differing social, economic and political systems can unite in the face of continued economic and political aggression from the Western powers led by the US. This is a great advance in the global anti-imperialist movement and a prerequisite for forging a global policy of peace and security for all nations.

Tasnim: In a post on his Twitter account on Friday night, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi published a photo of the logo of the naval drills and said, "The fact is that in the current transitional era, not everything happens in, nor by the West. We are truly living in a #Post_Western_world in which all global players have their share in its reality”. What are your thoughts on a post-Western world?

Etler: With the rise of China as the world's largest economy (PPP), Russia's resurgence as a military power and the stalwart resistance of countries such as Iran, Syria, Yemen, Venezuela, and North Korea to US economic aggression, the ability of the US and its allies to dominate the world is quickly diminishing. China is now the world's largest manufacturer and largest trading nation. Its influence is spreading throughout the world, exemplified by the expanding Belt and Road Initiative. China has shown that it can withstand the US-initiated trade war and all that the US can throw at it, and still continue to grow and thrive. Russia has stymied US military aggression in the Middle East and is once again a power to be reckoned with. US attempts to destabilize nations that resist its hegemonic designs have also shown that the US can no longer throw its weight around as in the past. All these developments indicate that the world is entering a new era in which the West will no longer play the leading role, but will have to adjust to a world in which it is but one among equals.

Tasnim: “The message of this exercise is peace, friendship and lasting security through cooperation and unity … and its effect will be to show that Iran cannot be isolated,” according to Deputy Commander of the Iranian Navy Admiral Gholamreza Tahani. How much do you think such drills can help improve security in the region?

Etler: The joint exercises demonstrate the resolve of the peace-loving nations of the world to resist the war policy of Washington and its allies. It is an important step to ensure peace and stability in the (Persian) Gulf region and shows that Iran is an integral member of the coalition of nations protecting the region from foreign aggression.

Tasnim: In your perspective, what has prompted the three countries to form a triangle of sea power and hold the drills?

Etler: Iran, Russia and China share a common interest in deterring the US from its policy of never-ending war and destruction directed against nations that refuse to relinquish their sovereignty and become willing vassals of Washington. The three nations of Iran, Russia and China all adhere to the 5 principles of peaceful co-existence and non-interference in other nations' internal affairs, principles that the US and its allies refuse to acknowledge. As such they find it in their mutual interest to assist each other economically, diplomatically and militarily.