Iran-Russia-China Joint Naval Drills Act as ‘Deterrent’ to US: American Commentator

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst said the joint naval exercises of Iran, Russia and China in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Oman can improve security in the region and act as a “deterrent” to the US and Israel.

“The drills can improve security in the region because they will act as a deterrent to an American/Israeli attack on Iran,” E. Michael Jones, a political analyst in the US state of Indiana, told Tasnim about the drills, dubbed Marine Security Belt, that were held in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Oman for three days.

Eugene Michael Jones is an American writer, former professor, media commentator and the current editor of Culture Wars magazine.

Following is the full text of the interview.

Tasnim: On Friday, Iran, Russia and China started a joint maritime exercise dubbed the "Marine Security Belt" in an area of 17,000 square kilometers which consists of various tactical drills, such as target practicing and rescuing ships from assault and incidents such as fires. What is your take on the joint naval drills?

Jones: My take is that (US President Donald) Trump has united the Eurasian landmass against the Island nations--England, America, Canada, Australia--by following the Likudnik line in foreign policy. American foreign policy in the Middle East has been based on ensuring free passage in the sea lanes leading from the Persian Gulf. The joint naval drill now indicates that Iran, Russian, and China can block the Strait of Hormuz at will.

Tasnim: In a post on his Twitter account on Friday night, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi published a photo of the logo of the naval drills and said, "The fact is that in the current transitional era, not everything happens in, nor by the West. We are truly living in a #Post_Western_world in which all global players have their share in its reality”. What are your thoughts on a post-Western world?

Jones: If by the post-Western world, you mean the end of the American Empire, this is good news for the American people because it will force the government to represent the interests of the American people and not the interests of the globalist elites.

Tasnim: “The message of this exercise is peace, friendship and lasting security through cooperation and unity … and its effect will be to show that Iran cannot be isolated,” according to Deputy Commander of the Iranian Navy Admiral Gholamreza Tahani. How much do you think such drills can help improve security in the region?

Jones: The drills can improve security in the region because they will act as a deterrent to an American/Israeli attack on Iran. Binyamin Netanyahu, according to a report in Ha'aretz, is pressing for an invasion of Iran as a last-ditch attempt to stay in the Prime Minister's office and out of prison. These drills will lessen the likelihood of any attack.

Tasnim: In your perspective, what has prompted the three countries to form a triangle of sea power and hold the drills?

Jones: The main cause of the drills was an imperial overreach on the part of the Trump administration, whose foreign policy is controlled by three rich Jews--Sheldon Adelson, Bernard Marcus, and Paul Singer. Jews always push things too far and create a reaction. We are now witnessing that reaction not only in the Persian Gulf but also in Europe, where the Trump administration has placed sanctions on the firms building the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. This will drive Germany into the arms of Russian and bring about the end of NATO.