Iraqi Protesters Condemn US Attack on PMU Bases (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Thousands of Iraqi protesters marched towards US embassy in capital Baghdad to protest against Washington’s air raid on Iraq's Popular Mobilization Units (PMU).

Footages from Lebanon-based TV channel Al Mayadeen show thousands of people from various segments of the Iraqi society heading towards the US embassy in Baghdad in a show of protest, after they attended the funeral ceremonies of the martyrs who were killed in the US air attack on the positions of the PMU forces in Iraq who have helped defeat the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group.

On Sunday, US forces conducted drone strikes on a number of Kata'ib Hezbollah bases in Iraq's western Anbar province, killing at least 25 individuals and leaving another 51 injured, according to the PMU.

Following the strikes, the Pentagon issued a statement saying that it had targeted three locations of the Iraqi fighters in Iraq and two in Syria in response to alleged attacks targeting American forces.

Iraqi foreign ministry officials also said that the US embassy staff and the US ambassador in Baghdad have been evacuated due to presence of large number of Iraqi citizens who have gathered outside the US Embassy in Baghdad's Green Zone, while burning American flags and shouting "Down, down, USA" and "Death to America".