Iran Hits Back at Germany over Accusation of Destabilization

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi lashed out at Germany for accusing Tehran of pursuing destabilizing policies, saying Berlin itself has closed its eyes to the destructive US policies in the Middle East.

In a post on his Twitter account on Tuesday, Mousavi said, “Germany is wrongly and falsely accusing Iran of destabilizing the region while it has shut its eyes to the US’ illegal acts of interference as the main factor behind instability in the West Asia.”

“The continuation of such stances would raise serious doubts about Berlin’s claim that it tries to play an influential role on the path to peace and stability,” the Iranian spokesman added.

His comments came after the German Foreign Office in a tweet on Monday blamed Iran for regional instability.

“The increasing number of attacks by non-state militias is threatening the stability of Iraq. Iran must end its policy of regional destabilization,” the German ministry said.

Earlier this month, Mousavi had condemned the “interventionist” and “irresponsible” comments made by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas regarding the November riots in Iran.

Mousavi said on December 12 that Germany’s policies could not remedy the negligence of certain European countries in fulfilling their commitments under the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and their passive stance towards the US economic terrorism against the Islamic Republic.

“Berlin is expected to put honoring the fundamental principles of human rights on its agenda discreetly, comprehensively and neutrally, instead of taking unprofessional and biased positions,” the Iranian diplomat said.