UK Envoy 'Breached Diplomatic Protocol' by Attending Illegal Gathering: US Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political analyst said Britain’s Ambassador to Iran Rob Macaire “breached diplomatic protocol” by attending an illegal gathering in Tehran and seeking to interfere in the country’s internal affairs.

“Iran should recall its diplomatic mission from London then expel the British mission. The British Ambassador breached diplomatic protocol by interfering in the internal affairs of Iran and attending an illegal gathering. Given the British history in Iran and 1953, it should know better,” Rodney Martin told Tasnim in an interview.

Rodney Martin is a retired Judge and a former Congressional Staffer. He was a Harry S. Trauma Scholar and Lyndon B. Johnson Congressional Fellow. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Martin has held several US Federal, State, and Local positions.

Following is the full text of the interview.

Tasnim: Britain’s envoy to Tehran Rob Macaire was held for over an hour for organizing, provoking and directing suspicious acts in protests in Tehran Saturday night before being released following Iran’s public announcement that its military unintentionally shot down a Ukrainian passenger plane. What are your thoughts on this taking into account London’s long record in creating chaos in other countries?

Martin: Britain and the US have a long history of nefarious activity in Iran and other nations around the globe, often using their diplomatic missions as bases for espionage and as Pro Counsel's to direct puppet leaders. Both Britain and the US are having a hard time coming to terms with the fact they are declining Empires and in Britain's case a "has-been" Empire of little to no relevance beyond being the US lap dog. It should be noted that the 1953 coup that overthrew Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister was directed from the US and British Embassy wherein they purchased and directed artificial street mobs. It would not surprise me at all if both are repeating counter-revolutionary activities again. The world held its breath just days ago when millions of Iranians turned out in outrage over the assassination of General Soleimani. The British Ambassador's presence at street demonstration fanning emotions is clearly an attempt to preserve the West's discredited narrative it attempted to spin in the immediate aftermath of the General's assassination of "celebrations" and "opposition" to the Revolution. In fact, as with the 2003 Iraq invasion, the West is again listening to subversive and criminal elements who left Iran with hidden wealth and today safely reside in London, Los Angeles and the suburbs of Washing D.C. whispering in Zionists and NeoCons ears hoping to have them once again do their dirty work.

Tasnim: Officials and people in Iran are calling for the UK envoy to be expelled from the country. How do you think Iran should react to this? Is there any diplomatic process for this?

Martin: This would absolutely be the correct course. Iran should recall its diplomatic mission from London then expel the British mission. The British Ambassador breached diplomatic protocol by interfering in the internal affairs of Iran. Given the British history in Iran and 1953, it should know better.

Tasnim: The reason for Macaire's arrest was instigating the crowd and taking photos of the protest. A shop opposite Amir Kabir University in Tehran was the main place for the British ambassador's activities, according to informed sources. According to Irans’ intelligence sources, Iranian employees of the British embassy played a key role in the post-election protests in 2009. What are the main reasons behind London’s attempts to insecure Iran?

Martin: Britain is using its presence in Iran to do the US bidding because the US has no presence. It is as simple as that. BOTH Britain and the US have long sought to overturn the 1979 Islamic Revolution and return Iran to its days as a repressed Western vassal State that in addition to having its resources stolen by the West, also supplied the Zionist State in Tel Aviv. Britain has violated all norms of diplomatic protocol and does not operate a legitimate Embassy, but in reality operates an MI6 Base that seeks to undermine Iranian Society, Law & Order and has a complete disrespect for Islam and Iranian Culture & Traditions. Britain is a disrespectful guest.