Poll: 51 Percent of Americans Support House Vote to Impeach Trump

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – American voters are almost evenly split on whether they support the US House's move to impeach President Donald Trump, according to a new Quinnipiac poll.

The survey, which was released on Monday, found that 51 percent of voters polled approve of the House's move to impeach Trump and make him just the third US president in history to face Senate removal. Forty-six percent said they opposed the lower chamber's move.

Opinion is divided along partisan lines, with 91 percent of Democratic respondents approving of Trump's impeachment and 92 percent of Republican respondents opposing it. Meanwhile, 56 percent of independent voters polled said they supported Trump's impeachment, while just 38 percent said they disapproved it, The Hill reported.

The survey found largely the same findings in response to whether the Senate should vote to remove Trump from office, with 46 percent saying the upper chamber should and 48 percent saying it should not.

The House in December voted to impeach Trump on articles of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The step came after an inquiry into allegations that Trump pressured Ukraine to announce beneficial investigations of his political rivals. Trump is alleged to have used nearly $400 million in military aid as leverage.

A majority of respondents (52 percent) said they are troubled by Trump's actions involving Ukraine, while 45 percent said they were not. In addition, an overwhelming majority (66 percent) said they would like to see former national security adviser John Bolton testify in a Senate impeachment trial. That included 39 percent of Republicans and 71 percent of independents.

Bolton has said that he'd be willing to testify in a trial if he were issued a subpoena. Trump indicated last week that he would attempt to block the former administration official's testimony. 

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said last Friday that she was prepared to send the impeachment articles to the Senate this week. The Quinnipiac poll discovered that voters were almost equally divided over her move to withhold the articles. Forty-four percent said they approved the decision, while 48 percent said they opposed it.

The Quinnipiac survey was conducted among a population of 1,562 self-identified registered voters between Jan. 8 and Jan. 12. It has a margin of error of 2.5 percentage points.