UK Envoy Should Be Expelled Based on Int’l Law: Iran Judiciary

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Judiciary Spokesman Gholam Hossein Esmaeili said according to international law, the British ambassador to Tehran has not respected the laws of the Islamic Republic and should be expelled.

“It is true that the Vienna Convention, in its explanation of diplomatic rights, grants immunity to foreign diplomats in host countries,” Esmaeili told reporters during a press conference in Tehran on Tuesday.

“We also respect this immunity but the same convention states in Article 41 that all persons enjoying diplomatic privileges and immunities are obliged to respect the laws and regulations of the host countries and refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of the countries,” he added.

“Under international law, such a person is a ‘Persona non grata’. The (Iranian) people expect the person to be expelled and that is also what international law calls for,” the spokesman went on to say.

Iranian Police have released footage that shows British Ambassador to Tehran Rob Macaire taking part in an illegal gathering in the capital.

On Saturday, Macaire was arrested after he tried to “provoke and organize” an anti-government gathering held in front of Amir Kabir University in Tehran, according to an informed security source.

“The British ambassador was detained in accordance with the law for being illegally present (in the protest) in violation of diplomatic norms and while he was acting against the country’s security,” the source said Sunday.

The British diplomat was handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then was released.