Syria Army Repels Militant Attack in Idlib

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian forces foiled a major attack by terrorists in the southeastern countryside of Idlib province, inflicting heavy losses on them.

Terrorists attempted to target the Syrian army’s military posts in Abu Jraif area in Idlib’s southeastern countryside but were pushed back by the Arab country’s forces, SANA reported.

The report added that the counterattack resulted in the deaths of dozens of terrorists.

Syrian authorities have opened three humanitarian corridors for civilians from areas controlled by foreign-sponsored militants in the northwestern provinces of Aleppo and Idlib to leave and move to government-controlled parts of the country.

Turkey's Defense Ministry said on Friday that Ankara had agreed with Moscow that a ceasefire will be implemented in Syria's Idlib.

The announcement came a day after a Russian defense ministry official said a ceasefire had already been implemented there in line with agreements with Turkey.

“According to the agreements with the Turkish side, the ceasefire regime was introduced in the Idlib de-escalation zone starting from 14:00 Moscow time (11:00 GMT) on January 9, 2020,” Russian Major General Yury Borenkov was quoted as saying then.

The ceasefire eventually came into effect on Sunday.

The Turkish Defense Ministry said attacks by air and land would halt at one minute past midnight on January 12 under the agreement.

Turkey had earlier requested Russia declare a ceasefire in Idlib, and sent a delegation to Moscow in December to discuss the issue.