Larijani Warns Europe of Consequences of Moves against Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani deplored a recent decision by the European parties to the 2015 nuclear deal to trigger the dispute mechanism in the accord and said their “political skirmish” with the Islamic Republic would have consequences for them.  

Larijani on Wednesday deplored a recent statement by France, Britain, and Germany about their decision to trigger the dispute mechanism in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and said the European’s behavior in dealing with Iran’s nuclear issue is similar to the Americans’.

“That the Europeans speak of taking advantage of Article 36 (of the JCPOA) shows what they intend to do,” he said.

Iran will respond, but this behavior, which is similar to that of the Americans, shows that they are in the same position of the US, Larijani added.

“Of course, it is natural that political skirmish would have consequences for both sides,” the parliament speaker went on to say.

In a statement released last week, France, Britain and Germany announced their decision to trigger the dispute mechanism in the JCPOA.

In comments on last Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the move is legally baseless and politically wrong.

In May 2018, US President Donald Trump pulled his country out of the JCPOA.

Iran and the remaining parties launched talks to save the JCPOA after the US withdrawal, but the three EU parties to the deal have failed to ensure Iran’s economic interests.

The EU’s inaction forced Tehran to stop honoring certain commitments to the nuclear deal.

Iran maintains that the new measures are not designed to harm the JCPOA but to save the accord by creating a balance in the commitments.