No Country Dares to Directly Target Iranian Territories: IRGC Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Deputy Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) for Coordination Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi highlighted the country’s power to counter any foreign threats and said no country dares to directly shoot at the country’s territories.

Speaking to Tasnim, Rear Admiral Fadavi highlighted the importance of nationwide rallies held on Tuesday to mark the 41st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and said the presence of tens of millions of people in the rallies is “the manifestation of the power of the Islamic Revolution and the country”.

“The power of the Islamic Revolution deters anyone from daring to cast a greedy look at our country,” he said.

“With the passing of 31 years after the end of (the Iraqi imposed) war, no country has dared to fire a single bullet directly at our country,” the commander added.

Rear Admiral Fadavi went on to say that days like “22 Bahman”, marking the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and the presence of people in the revolution’s events are very important and valuable.

The remark came as nationwide rallies were held in Iran on Tuesday to mark the 41st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

The Iranian nation toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime 41 years ago, on February 11, 1979, ending 2,500 years of monarchic rule in the country.

The Islamic Revolution, led by Imam Khomeini, established a new political system based on Islamic values and democracy.

Every year, Iranians mark the anniversary of their Islamic Revolution from February 1 to 11, known as the Ten-Day Fajr (Dawn) ceremonies.

February 1, 1979, was the date when Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile in Paris to Tehran.