No Coronavirus Case in Iran, WHO Envoy Confirms

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The representative of the World Health Organization in Iran has certified that no case of coronavirus has been registered in the country, Iranian Health Minister Saeed Namaki announced.

In comments on Monday, Namaki said the Iranian students stuck in the Chinese city of Wuhan –the epicenter of outbreak of the new coronavirus- have been taken back to Iran and kept in quarantine.

All of the students in quarantine have tested negative, the minister said, adding that the medical tests are repeated every day to make sure that the students will return to their families safe and sound at the end of the 14-day quarantine.

Namaki also noted that the WHO’s representative in Iran has paid a visit to the quarantine station where the Iranian students coming from China are being kept, and has acknowledged that not a single case of the new coronavirus infection has been reported in Iran.

The WHO representative has also lauded the powerful health system in Iran and has fully approved the quality of the method of quarantining the students, the minister added.

Hundreds of people have been infected by the Wuhan coronavirus in mainland China, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, and a number of the North American and European states.

On Monday, 108 people died in mainland China, the biggest single-day death toll yet. 2,478 new cases were identified in mainland China, bringing the number there to 42,708.

As of Tuesday, 43,101 people were infected worldwide.