Rasmussen Poll: Trump Leads Sanders by 7 Points in General Election Matchup

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A recent survey released Wednesday shows that US President Trump would defeat Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 7 points in a general election should the election take place today.

In a Rasmussen Reports survey released Wednesday, Sanders trailed Trump 50 percent to 43 percent in a hypothetical general election matchup, with 7 percent of voters remaining undecided.

According to FiveThirtyEight pollster ratings, Rasmussen has a mean-reverted Republican bias of 1.5 points.

Twenty-two percent of registered Democrats in the poll said that they would support Trump for reelection in the poll, and the US president led Sanders among independent voters, The Hill reported.

Sanders wins six in 10 black voters in the poll, but trails Trump among white voters, other minority groups and male voters according to Rasmussen's press release.

Other national polls have shown Sanders leading Trump, along with other leading Democratic candidates including former Vice President Joe Biden (D) and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, all three of whom held similar single-digit leads over the president in hypothetical matchups polled by Reuters/Ipsos this week.

The Rasmussen survey contacted 1,000 likely voters between Feb. 24-25 with a margin of error of 3 percentage points.