Iran Ready to Implement Joint Health Protocols with Russia in Coronavirus Fight

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani expressed the country’s readiness for the rapid implementation of joint health protocols between Tehran and Moscow in the efforts to contain the novel coronavirus epidemic.

In a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Saturday, Rouhani appreciated the Russian government and health ministry for expressing their readiness to help Iran eradicate coronavirus.

“We are ready for quick implementation of health protocols between the two countries in fighting the virus,” Rouhani added, according to his official website.

He also hailed the growing relations between Iran and Russia in various fields, saying, “We are ready to increase cooperation in all areas of interests to both countries.”

On the recent developments regarding the nuclear issue, Rouhani appreciated Moscow’s stances regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and said, “We will live up to our commitments until the time we enjoy the interests of the agreement, and we hope that this agreement is saved with other parties' cooperation.”

Rouhani also pointed to the recent developments in Syria’s Idlib and his telephone conversation with the president of Turkey earlier in the day, saying, “The situation in Idlib is worrying and the decisions made under the Astana Process must be operationalized as soon as possible so that peace and security is returned to the region and terrorism is eradicated.”

It is not acceptable that a part of Syria is under the control of terrorists, Rouhani said. “As it has been stressed repeatedly, the solution to the Syrian issue is merely political and it will be resolved only through dialogue and we must not let the situation in Idlib turn into a pretext for the US’ interference and misuse of the Syrian issue.”

Rouhani also voiced Iran’s readiness to host the next summit of Iran, Russia and Turkey within the framework of the Astana Process, saying, “In recent years, great actions have been taken in fighting terrorism through the cooperation of Iran, Russia and Syria, the impacts and results of which must be protected.”

“In the Idlib issue, we are fully ready to reach a political and security solution agreed by all three countries,” he continued.

For his part, the Russian president expressed sympathy with the Iranian government and people on the coronavirus death toll, and welcomed the Iranian president’s suggestion for quick implementation of joint health protocols.

Putin also stressed the need for cooperation between Iran and Russia on the JCPOA, saying, “The recent summit of experts in Vienna laid the ground for settling this issue, especially with regard to the fact that Tehran has cooperated with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”

Putin further referred to the agreements within the framework of Astana Process for resolving the Syrian issue as a very effective move, saying, “Creating de-escalation zones must not mean not fighting with terrorism.”

Stressing the importance of preserving the territorial integrity of Syria, Putin said, “It is the Syrian government's right to react for fighting terrorism on its land.”

Welcoming Iran's readiness to host the next tripartite summit of Astana Process, Putin said, "The next summit of the three countries in Iran can help achieve a solution."