Trump Refuses to Answer If Tested for Coronavirus (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US president ignored reporters’ questions if he had been tested for the coronavirus after he flew on Air Force One with Rep Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who is self-quarantining after learning he was exposed to a patient with coronavirus.

After speaking for a few minutes at a White House press conference on the impact of the new coronavirus Monday evening, US President Donald Trump walked out of the room, leaving Vice President Mike Pence and health officials to answer questions from reporters. “Mr. President, have you been tested, sir?” multiple reporters shouted at Trump as he left the press room.

Pence said he did not know if the president had been tested, and said he himself had not been either, The Daily Beast reported.

Pence ultimately fielded that question about himself by revealing, “I have not been tested for the coronavirus.” Asked again if Trump has been tested, he replied, “I honestly don’t know the answer to the question, but we’ll refer that question and we will get you an answer from the White House physician very quickly.”

Later in the press conference he was also unable to answer why he and Trump would not have been tested despite interacting with multiple lawmakers who had direct contact with an infected patient at CPAC less than two weeks ago and are now in self-quarantine.