China Sending Iran New Aid Shipment, Vows Support in Coronavirus Fight

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A top Chinese politician gave an assurance that his country will keep supporting Iran in the battle with the coronavirus epidemic, saying a new shipment of medicine and health supplies will be delivered to Iran within the next few days.

Head of the International Liaison Department of the Communist Party of China Song Tao sent a letter to Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei to assure Tehran of Beijing’s unwavering support amid the outbreak of the coronavirus.

Pointing to a recent message that Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent to his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, Song said China is maintaining close contact with Iran to coordinate efforts in the war against COVID-19.

China has also called on the international community to promote cooperation with Iran and ensure the security of public health in the region and the world, he added.

Song said the International Liaison Department of China’s Communist Party is going to send a shipment of Chloroquine Phosphate medicine, N95 masks, and disposable medical masks to Iran, which will be delivered to the Chinese Embassy in Tehran within the next few days.

He expressed China’s readiness to launch scientific cooperation and share its experiences with Iran for the battle with the coronavirus.

The official also highlighted China’s efforts to end the unilateral sanctions that have impeded Iran’s fight against the contagious disease.

China has so far dispatched several consignments of medical supplies to Iran for help in the battle with the coronavirus.

Last week, Beijing called on Washignton to remove the sanctions against Iran, saying that the embargoes will hamper the country’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

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