US’ Alleged Hegemony Crushed by Coronavirus: Iranian Adviser

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic revealed the emptiness of the US government’s self-proclaimed hegemony, as it has failed to contain the disease even inside America, a senior adviser to the Iranian parliament speaker said.

In a meeting with Russian Ambassador to Iran Levan Jagarian, Iranian parliament speaker’s adviser for international affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian said the US’ claim on its hegemony has been invalidated as Washington that claims to be holding monopoly of power is unable to handle the coronavirus even in its own country.

The reality is that the world is rapidly moving towards multilateralism, the Iranian official added.

While the world is grappling with the coronavirus pandemic, the state-sponsored acts of terrorism by the US have prevented the delivery of medical supplies to Iran, but Russia, China and a number of other friendly and neighboring states have been helping Iran in the battle with COVID-19, Amir Abdollahian further said.

For his part, the Russian envoy hailed the growing relations between Tehran and Moscow in all fields, stressing that expansion of parliamentary ties with Iran is one of the strategic objectives of Russia.

Jagarian also unveiled plans for the delivery of more Russian humanitarian aid for people of Iran for the battle with the coronavirus.

The two officials also discussed regional and international developments, including the situation in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan.

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