US Has No Right to Veto Iran’s IMF Loan Bid: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for Iran’s administration lashed out at the US for its attempts to block Tehran’s request for an emergency International Monetary Fund loan to fight the coronavirus, saying the US is legally in no position to obstruct the activities of international organizations.

Speaking at a weekly press conference on Monday, Ali Rabiee said the US government has no right to veto the IMF’s decisions, as the other member states would prevent Washington from carrying out its inhumane measures.

“The US is legally in no position to disrupt the activities of international institutions, and international institutions are not the private properties of the White House either,” he added.

Rabiee underlined that Iran has paid the IMF its share and now the people of Iran have a legitimate right to enjoy the facilities provided by the fund.

“The (International Monetary) Fund’s measure would also show the world that their cooperation follows no illogical policy,” the spokesman added.

Iran has asked the International Monetary Fund for a $5 billion loan to deal with the outbreak of COVID-19.

Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Abdolnaser Hemmati says the IMF’s response will be a litmus test for claims about relief aid for containing the disease.

Last week, President Hassan Rouhani said it would be unacceptable for the IMF to unfairly refuse Iran’s application for the loan that it needs for the fight against the coronavirus.

“We are paying the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank our share, and part of our reserves are at their disposal, and it is not and will not be acceptable to us if they discriminate against us when considering our application for the loan. It will not be acceptable to the world public opinion either,” the president underlined.